is your go-to platform when it comes to finding great hookups online. We should know, since we’ve recently conclude a comprehensive review process in which we put 80 online hookup websites to the test to verify how well they function. In conducting these reviews, we realized that there’s a broad spectrum of quality when it comes to adult dating sites. Some of them don’t function well at all, and others are replete with complete scammers out to waste consumers’ time and money. No one has time for that, or money. Our time spent in this hemisphere of the web should result in us getting some solid results. That’s why we put all these adult dating websites to the test, so we can provide people with conclusive, clear results as to which of these online dating platforms actually work. At the end of this long process, we have come up with a list of well-functioning hookup platforms, and we are happy to report that is among the very best of them.
Seeing what is made of
In conducting our Match review, we put to the same test that we put every other online hookup platform on our list. In following our procedure, we sent out 150 initial e-mails to sexy female members on Out of those 150 outgoing messages, we received a whopping 95 replies. That’s an absolutely phenomenal rate compared to the average adult dating forum, especially considering that every single one of the women who replied to us were living, breathing, honest human beings; no sign of bots or scam artists in site. So, we messaged those 95 ladies to see if we could fix ourselves up on a date with them. 59 of the women agreed to meet us, and 53 of those dates actually ended up happening. Again, that’s a phenomenal turnout, since we’ve definitely been held up a bunch of times in reviewing other dating websites. Best of all: we really ended up hitting it off with the vast majority of those 53 women, and we saw ourselves in a potential relationship with 51 of them! makes matches in heaven
We met so many beautiful, intriguing women while conducting our Match testimonial. The entire process was completely user-friendly from start to finish. Additionally, the entire process was totally legitimate. It is so refreshing to be able to simply pop open the website, find a cool looking woman, and simply have a casual chat with her. works; it provides a forum for this sort of thing to go smoothly throughout the entire process, and that’s exactly what you want from an adult dating site.

Comparison of Match. Category: Love. Rank: 1. Web address:
No need to worry about Match scams here.
After reviewing so many online hookup sites on the internet, we definitely know what to look out for when it comes to scamming or illegitimate activity of any sort. We also understand that, due to the prevalence of scammers throughout the web, potential users will ask themselves questions like “Is Match any good?” or even “Is Match real?” Such questions are totally understandable, and they’re actually quite natural to have when considering an online subsector so replete with illegitimate activity. Scammers flock to adult dating sites because they know that that’s where they can pull in their highest numbers. It’s truly unfortunate that these time and money thieves will target poor, honest people just looking for some good online company. It truly is a mystery, and it speaks to the absolute grimiest side of human nature. However, after our extremely thorough review process, we are happy to report that Match is legit in every way that a potential user needs it to be. Aside from being filled with beautiful women in every virtual corner, the website is totally honest; the user profiles belong to real, visceral women, with no chat bot in sight; and the paid membership comes with all the stated benefits that we signed up for. If you’re looking for a straightforward, legitimate dating platform, you don’t need to waste your time with other forums that are known to be filled with scammers and text bots of all assortments. Go straight to, and see for yourself how functional and legitimate this online dating website truly is. If you find that the site passes your initial trial, we would highly recommend considering a commitment to a paid membership, since members have complete access to all the gems that the site has to offer. You can definitely have an awesome experience using the site as a free member, but paid members get the true VIP experience.
You can meet the woman of your dreams on
What are you waiting for? It’s not like you have to get into your car or anything; is only a few mouse-drags and key-clicks away. Out of all the gorgeous, amazing women using the site, we’re sure that there’s at least one of them who is completely right for you. Don’t waste any more time — visit now, and start looking for her!