After many hours of website testing and countless successful and unsuccessful dates, it is in our opinion that CougarDateLink is working as a legitimate site for finding dates with older women. We tested many dating sites, 80 to be exact, and although CougarDateLink was not the best of the best, it was a dating site that is worth mentioning in our list of recommendations. We hate phony dating sites with a passion, and we have made it our business to expose all the frauds that are out there, and to promote the ones that actually work. Despite some of its flaws, CougarDateLink reviews as one of the better websites for hooking up with older women. We found it to be successful a number of times, and for this reason, we would recommend it as one of our most successful dating sites for hooking up with older women. – Makes It On the List
During our testing period, we were asked many times “Is CougarDateLink any good for getting dates with older women?” This inspired us to put it to our methodical test. Apparently, many people were suspicious of the site and we wanted to find out if CougarDateLink is legit. We ran it through the same procedure that we used on all of our other test sites, and although it did not score as high as some of the others, it still seemed worthwhile in comparison to a lot of the other bogus sites that we found.
What We Found on CougarDateLink
Emails Sent
As with every other site, we used a flat number of emails to gauge the effectiveness of the site. We sent out 150 emails on to see what kind of results we could get.
Received Replies – 39%
Although this was one of our lower response rates in our list of recommended dating services, it was enough to keep us interested. 1 in 3 is not that bad when it comes down to it.
Dates Set Up – 41%
With just under half of our responses resulting in potential dates, this was a decent enough number to keep CougarDateLink in the game.
Dates Actually Had – 83%
After we started having some real conversations, began to show some decent results. We were able to actually have 20 dates through this site over the course of one month.
Relationship Potentials – 85%
Aside from a few dud dates, most of our actual dates seemed to have relationship potential. This was good news, and is what solidified CougarDateLink as a recommended dating site.

Comparison of CougarDateLink. Category: Mature Dating. Rank: 3. Web address: CougarDateLink.com0
CougarDateLink Scams To Keep in Mind
One of the main issues with CougarDateLink is a slightly higher amount of false profiles. This is represented in the site’s lower response rates, and was a little frustrating at times. That being said, after sifting through many profiles we were still able to find some legitimate women who actually wanted to meet up. Persistence is key in any dating realm, and if you keep at it, CougarDateLink can still yield results. Despite this setback on the website, we had no issues with our credit cards. This is comforting for any dating site with such a high potential for scams out there on the internet.
Is CougarDateLink Real?
As with every other site we tested, the main purpose was to find out if the dating site was real or a total scam. CougarDateLink is in fact a real site. Despite some of its lower qualities, we were able to set up real dates with real women, and this is what maintained on our list of recommendations for dating services. We used a variety of techniques and explored many of the site’s features and functions, which gave us some success over the month of testing.
Is it Worth Paying for a Membership on
With online dating, it is an unfortunate reality that it is almost always better to pay for a membership. Considering this, we would say that it is worthwhile to pay for a membership on, solely for the added benefits of the extra features. It is a competitive world when searching for a date online, and any advantage that can make you stand out as an eligible candidate is worth the cost. Although it’s not very cool to pay for dates, consider it like buying a nice set of clothes. If it makes you look good, and helps you get a date, then it might not be a bad choice.
Final Thoughts on CougarDateLink
Hopefully this review has been helpful for informing your decision on which dating service to use. Although we would not say that CougarDateLink is the absolute cure to loneliness, we do think that it is one of the few dating sites that are actually worth some of your time and money. No website is an total guarantee, but is a dating site that is worth your own investigation. We recommend comparing our statistics for this site with some of our other reviews, and building a decision on that. Good luck on the hunt!